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The Advent Word—“Come”

A reflection by Mother Maria-Michael Newe, OSB

Singing “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” before supper in our refectory

What do we hear in the Liturgy during Advent?  “Come, let us climb the LORD’s mountain… Come let us walk in the light of the LORD… Come and save us,” “I will come and cure them … many will come from the east and the west,” and, “come, oh LORD visit us in peace.”  That word: come.  Have you ever said to somebody, “Oh, just come!” and they don’t do it?  I wonder if it’s the same with the Lord.  When He tells us to come and we look at Him like, “huh?”  The word “come” means a movement forward towards something (I looked it up).  I think this is the invitation of Advent.  Come.  Come in every way you possibly can.  I think it is what Christ does for us.  When we say “come and save us” to the Lord, I don’t think He just stands there with a confused look on His face.  I think He truly comes, and quickly.  When we pray “come, come Holy Spirit, come oh Lord and save us.”  I think He responds more quickly than a flash of lightning.  I think this should be our response also—to hear Him say “come” and for us to do it quickly.  It is our duty to respond when He tells us to come and climb the Lord’s mountain or to come and walk in the light of the Lord.  Our response means something.  Come!  Let us ADORE HIM.  Come, let us sing the praises of our God.  It’s good to think about how we respond to this word, come.

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