Stepping Out

A reflection by Mother Maria-Michael Newe, OSB

We all know the story of Christ calling St. Peter out to walk on water.   When the apostles saw Jesus walking on the sea toward them, Peter said, “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water” (Matt. 14:28).   Christ tells him to “come,” so he steps out of the boat onto the water, but then he begins to sink and cries out.   This episode shows how evil tries to make us doubt.  That is one of the tools that evil tries to use against us – to doubt our faith, to doubt God’s love for us – and that is not from God. 

When Jesus stretches out his hand to catch Peter from downing and says, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” (Matt. 14:31), I don’t think He was rebuking Peter in a harsh way, or criticizing Peter for messing up again.  I think Jesus was simply saying, “What made you think I wasn’t calling you forth?  Don’t depend on yourself, but keep your eyes on Me, and follow through with confidence.  You can trust Me.”

There is a point when we should actually doubt ourselves, and that is if we haven’t prayed.  But if we have prayed first, and we feel confident about receiving direction from the Lord, then we should continue with confidence, and not let anything make us turn to the left or to the right.  It is for us to put our trust in God, and not fear, and never take our eyes off Him.  And if ever we begin to doubt, we should immediately call upon Him, like St. Peter did, and He will take care.

Our Sister Maria of Jesus, OSB, stepping out in faith and love, professed her solemn monastic vows on February 10!  Adding to the already glorious occasion of the Solemnity of Saint Scholastica, Sister Maria’s profession day was a truly blessed and joyous one, and we were happy that so many of her loved ones were able to join us for the celebration. Click here to read an article from the Denver Catholic about Sister Maria’s Solemn Profession.

All photos courtesy of André Escaleira, Jr. / Denver Catholic