A reflection by Mother Maria-Michael Newe, OSB
I think it’s so delightful in the Gospel of John when Jesus says to His apostles, “A little while, and you will no longer see me; and again a little while, and you will see me” (John 16:16). Doesn’t that sound like the spiritual life? A little while and you won’t see Him…and it’s so true. You find yourself asking, “Where are you, Lord? Where is Your voice?” and then He pops in all of a sudden and reminds you that He’s right there and He’s been there the whole time. But in those times of seeming darkness we can really focus on hearing and seeing God in our neighbor. A good word from someone is often His word. A look of kindness is His look. A little gesture of love is from Him.
God loves that disappearing and reappearing act. You see it all through the Gospels as Christ comes to and then vanishes from His disciples after His Resurrection. I think it helps us to always look for Him. It keeps our heart searching and attentive. It’s as in the Song of Songs where she “sought him but could not find him” (Song of Songs 3:2), but then she went out on the streets looking and there he was. Seek God with all your heart and you will find Him, and you will truly be a happy soul.

(Chapters 2-3)