A reflection by Mother Maria-Michael Newe, OSB
As Benedictines, our lives are hidden with Christ in God and, truly, we take on the heart of Christ in prayer. And that is our life – we are called to pray with the heart of Christ. We hear in the Rule of St. Benedict how we should pray the Divine Office:
We believe that the Divine Presence is everywhere and that the eyes of the Lord behold the good and the evil in every place. Especially, however, do we without any doubt believe this to be true when we are assisting at the work of God.
It says “assisting at the work of God”. We are not alone when we pray.
Therefore, let us always be mindful of what the prophet says, ‘Serve the Lord with fear’ and again, ‘sing wisely’ and ‘in the sight of the Angels I will sing praise to you’.
So who are we assisting at praise? In the sight of the Angels, I will sing praise to you.
Therefore, let us consider how we ought to conduct ourselves in the presence of God and his angels and to assist at the Divine Office that our mind may be in harmony with our voice.
What we sing we must believe. What we believe we must live out. We must live out the prayers we pray.
We are the bride of Christ. We have been born from his side. It is said that, at the end of time, hearts will grow cold. Let it not be said of us. We are not called just to pray with the mind. If Christ found no consolers, let he at least find consolers among us. And thank him for what he’s done.
Let us be guardians of the heart of Christ. Let us bear his heart within. That we may be truly one with him in mind and heart so that when we die, we have died with the heart of Christ. So too shall we rise with his heart.

The dedication of our Abbey Church in 1999