Life’s journey can be full of distractions and diversions. Come to a day of recollection to find the meaning of Lenten observance and restore your vision of Christ for Easter.
Sister Maria Josepha, OSB

The Abbey of St. Walburga will be hosting two Lenten retreat days:
March 10 and March 29 from 9:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Two conferences will be given by one of the nuns on the topic of “Returning to Christ”.
Participants are welcome to join the nuns for midday prayers (the Divine Office).
A light lunch will be provided, or you are welcome to bring your own food (refrigerators and microwaves will be available).
The cost is $35 per person.
Registration is required. Please email our Guest Mistress at
or call (970) 472-0612 to make a reservation.