Advent Retreat Registration

The Abbey of St. Walburga will be hosting an Advent Day of Recollection
with Sr. Maria-Walburga OSB:

Saturday, December 2nd
10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

“Abide in My Love”
—the call of the
Most Holy Trinity

***NOTE: Registration for this retreat day has already reached its capacity***

Begin the Advent Season with a quiet day at the Abbey, pondering the lord’s gift of love and renewal.

Hot drinks, cookies, and good cheer will be provided. 

Please bring your own lunch (refrigerators and microwaves will be available).

The suggested donation is $15 per person.

*There will be an opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Registration is required. Please email our Guest Mistress at
or call (970) 472-0612 to make a reservation.